Brooklynn, like any older African lady worth her nosy salt, eyed Ethan and pounced:

Brooklynn:  I’m excited to come to your wedding next!

Estella, noting Ida’s glare:  Aww, Auntie B., leave them alone. They just starting dating yesterday.

Brooklynn:  Oh, I meant you, too. I haven’t forgotten that you and Bryson still aren’t married.

Ida, to Ethan, wryly:  So that’s my mom… I promise, she’s lovely.


I tried!

Knowing how unruly Sims always are at ceremonies, I tried to pose them into submission (thanks, @tatibunnymoon!)

But they just like nonsense too much. Most of them popped out of pose to clump in the aisle and dance during the ceremony 😭😭😭



The Greylands hosted practically everyone for the 4th of July.

(Check out stylin’ Nana Charlotte with the hip sway.)